Get someone to write your speech for you. If you pay them enough they can make you sound like you know what you are doing.
Okay, that's cynical, but consider the results of getting up to make an
extempore address and losing the plot in two sentences. You might not be able to avoid disaster four drinks into a wedding speech, but if you are vlogging or doing other recording whilst in control of the machinery, you can get help started your way before you open your mouth.
We've all seen the tele-prompter machines that allow politicians to speak sincerely and directly into a camera, while reading the whole thing from a screen in front of them. The professional rigs are big and evident.
Now you can get a tiny version for your own productions. You can appear good and sincere, on camera, and stay on-script. The Desview T1 Tele-prompter can present your thoughts, or the thoughts of your writers, to you as you are being filmed. You'll look focused and intelligent.
The trick is a mirror that is partially front-silvered. It is mounted in the Desview at 45º so that the screen of a mobile phone is reflected up and out to a viewer in front of the rig.
You mount your recording camera - a mirror-less or dedicated vlogging camera - in the back of the Desview by means of a set of front-filter ring adapters - and there are a large number of them in the box. Then you set the camera and prompter to look at you on a tripod. Mounting threads underneath...

Slip a mobile phone into the cradle under the screen and turn it on. With the correct app, you can scroll an entire speech through the phone and the clear image from the screen will go up to the half-silvered mirror and out to your eyes - while you are in front of the camera. This image show what you see as you look into the camera lens - you see what is under the screen.

You just adjust the app to scroll at a speed that matches your ability to read and speak out the ideas as they appear. It will seem that you are having consecutive thoughts. You can wave blank pieces of paper and claim to have discovered traitors in the State Department if you wish, or anything else that takes your fancy - the camera behind the half-silvered mirror will see through it perfectly.
Your audience may eventually see through you, as well, but that's another matter.