When is Light Lite?

on January 15, 2019
Or..." How Do You Make Lite Work? ". Do you hate advertising-speak as much as I do?* The " Lite " food that you get at the " Drive Thru . The " Free " thing that costs $ 20.00? The fact that it is advertised for " $19.99 " to capitalise upon the idea that you see the 19 and do not think of 20? Bah. Now that that's over, here is a good light Lite light for your life - the Fujifilm X-T20. I've had one illuminating my photography for several years now. I'll correct that - I have been using the Fujifilm X-T10 - the Lite version of the then-current Fujifilm X-T1. It packed the same processing and picture power that the larger camera had into a smaller and...lighter...package. If you considered the X-T1 the pro body, the X-T10 was the enthusiast's one. Exactly the same relationship exists between the just-superseded X-T2 and the X-T20 - same megapixelage and most of the same features in the smaller package. It is smaller and certainly less weight. The controls are more closely spaced. There is a pop-up short-range flash. The card slot is single, rather than double. But the experience is altogether so similar as to require no great mental retraining between one camera and the other. You also get an advantage that I will be careful to state. The X-T2 is a camera that uses batteries freely and to good advantage, but you had better have several spares if you are going to shoot all day. The X-T20,as the X-T10 before it, is nowhere near as greedy for electricity. One spare battery to wander a city is fine. The two bodies you see are separated by several years - Fujifilm seems to have a 2 to the 3-year gap during which something is current. You can always be certain that something with a newer model number is coming - and in this, the firm is no different from any of the other makers. But as we get more advanced with digital, there are smaller increments of improvement in all fields. Oh, they can be trumpeted by the advertising office for each maker, but users may be hard-pressed to find these improvements on a practical basis. The two pictures below show the few external difference I can see - relating to a custom setting one can do with the front dial of the X-T20. Also a shift of the video button elsewhere. I have been delighted with the performance of the X-T10 for my purposes and have stuck to it...just as i went to an X-T2 for studio work when it proved to be better there. The smaller ones are the travellers of the Fujifilm family. I've elected to put a retro MF lens on mine - as much for the appearance of the thing as for the good performance. It matches my 60's clothing and 50's mindset. I would regress further if flashbulbs were still made... See? It works. That's a 2019 Bulgemobile taken with my retro camera. * And I write the stuff...

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