When A Program Is Smarter than You... - Part Four

on September 28, 2020

After guessing your way through the focus bracketing, shifting, or stacking settings on your camera and setting yourself up to take 25 shots of the flower in the garden you might set the thing going and be surprised at the results:

a. The program refuses to stack all the pictures.

Some of them are too far out of whack to stack. The subject moved in the interval of the shots and the Adobe goblin inside Photoshop refuses to work.

Answer? Protect that flower from the wind with a big sheet of cardboard around it. Use light blue or neutral green. Reduce the interval of the shots to 0 and use the electronic rather than mechanical shutter. Use a tripod.

b. The camera buzzes along merrily but stoped at 14 shots when you set it for 25.

Don't feel bad. The processor that has been recording the shots has looked at the sharpness in each one and stopped taking them when it has judged that you've got enough. This could be when you reach infinity or when you just run past the edge of the flower and onto the diffuse surface of the blue paper.

The Adobe program will make what you need from the 14.

c. The front of the image is still fuzzy.

Did you start the focus at the nearest point you wanted in focus? Depend on the manual aids for some cameras, the smallest AF single point for others. If you let a camera see a scene with many choices of focus point it can sometimes be indiscriminate about which one it picks. That works for sports and action but not for deliberate macro.

d. It didn't work. It just took one picture and stopped.

Well, did you forget to turn the external control on your X-series Fujifilm to the Bkt setting? Did you forget to set this in the Nikon Menu? The camera can guess a lot of things, but not what you thought you did when you didn't do it.

Note for people who are dismayed by Artificial Intelligence: Around our house the AI works all the time but the NI is sporadic.


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