Well, That Was The Day That Was

on August 01, 2021

I went to the show yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I was on the refurb and ex-rental stand and it got a good picking over in between the lecture and workshop sessions and I'm pleased to be able to say several sales were made. Also pleased to think that the people who bought the gear got the right thing for themselves - the cameras and lenses carried substantial warrantees as well as discounted prices.

I was also pleased to see that the bustle in the trade rooms did not abate. The staff from the shops had done a massive job in the days leading up to the show selecting and transporting the stock - so much so that I believe they closed Wanderlust and Murray Street shops for the day. The take-down was no small affair either, but I could tell that the next few days would be something of chaos as goods were found and re-stocked into their accustomed places. The fact that the show prices will continue for a little while longer will also put pressure on the on-line staff and the people who pack and dispatch. Tis is the time to be retired from the premises like me and just sending my contribution in over the internet.

Not that that's not fraught. I checked earlier this evening to see what this morning's post about the show looked like and found that it has entirely disappeared. I know the main website was down for some maintenance and the post may have disappeared into the aether, never to be seen again. That's a pity, because it was fun to write. If it has, indeed, fallen victim to the dreaded data loss gremlin, I'll just have to write it again.

In the meantime, if it comes through eventually, all will be well. In the meantime here's three superheroes shaking the ( plastic ) tins for charity on the day. They were game troupers and I hope they got a good response from the punters.


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