WAPF Winner

on May 01, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

The recent WAPF convention at Wanneroo saw a special prize offered by Camera Electronic - a Pentax Q camera outfit. The prize was to be given to someone who had purchased a product at the CE stand during the weekend - random raffle draw. Our barrel girl, Janna, drew it this morning.

Come on down Margaret Rutherford, and claim your prize. You'll be intrigued and delighted with the little Pentax Q. It is the smallest interchangeable lens digital I have seen and one of the sweetest when it comes to good results right out of the box. The lens is super sharp and the metering system seems to be completely accurate - when they first hit the market I popped an SD card into one and stepped outside the front door here at the shop to test it out. Four consecutive snaps in automatic jpeg mode - as simple as that - and then straight onto the computer and printer for A4-sized prints. No post processing and they are perfect. When you come in to pick up your new camera we can show you the prints.

A little note for other photographers who went to the WAPF convention. We were impressed with your work in the exhibition and delighted to speak with you at the stand and the dinner. It is great for the staff here to see what you are doing because we sometimes think that we might get to read the start of the story but never find out the finish. We like to sell photographic equipment - 'cause this is a shop - but we get really curious to see what use it is put to. From your pictures, it looks like good use...

And a final note for the photographers who went to the outdoor shoot on the Saturday - your models are anxious to see what they look like ( The Grey Company are all hams anyway...). Do send them a disc or a print - they'll love you forever.

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