Every Friday at 10:00AM - we will be bringing you the sort of cutting-edge expertise that leaves ragged bits and sore fingers - Uncle Dick's Workshop. The advice is free - free from good sense in most instances....It really cranks up around the first of April.
Q: Why are medium format digital cameras so expensive?
A: Because the sensors are knitted by hand.
Q: Are second hand lenses from the pawn shop really good?
A: The ones that still have glass in them can be fine....
Q: Why are the inkjet prints from my home printer different from the image on the computer screen?
A: Because the inkjet printer is a better artist than you.
Q: Are on-line guarantees from Hong Kong worth anything?
A: They are worth the paper they aren’t printed on.
Q: How much should I pay for professional portrait photographs.
A: Keep putting $ 50 bills into the photographer’s hand until they stop frowning and start smiling