Uncle Dick's Workshop - Friday 2

on October 13, 2011
Every Friday at 10:00AM - we will be bringing you the sort of cutting-edge expertise that leaves ragged bits and sore fingers - Uncle Dick's Workshop. The advice is free - free from good sense in most instances....It really cranks up around the first of April.

Q: Uncle Dick, I want to open a studio and become instantly famous. How do I get attention and publicity?
A: Stage a siege in your street. Nothing attracts TV crews faster than a couple of .308 rounds into a pizza van.

Q: Uncle Dick, why do I keep having to get my sensor cleaned?
A: Beats me – I’ve always admired your picture of the ploughed field at seeding time taken with a variety of lenses.

Q: Someone told me that I should shoot tethered. Is this a good idea.
A: There are clubs for that sort of thing in the city....

Q: Why won’t Facebook let me put up nude pictures?
A: Wrong social network. Try Fecesbook.

Q: Why do they continually chop and change sensor sizes and camera systems?
A: Because old Kodak executives need something to do in retirement


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