Turning Wedding into Portraits Workshop - Steve Saporito at Shoot Photography Workshops this month!

on January 10, 2012

  • Do you wish you could learn the simple skill of turning existing wedding customers into portrait customers?
  • Are you very successful with wedding but would love your clients to return as customers?
  • You built a great relationship with the brides family but not sure how to engage them as customers?
  • Would you like an easy system that books your portrait clients?
Then this is the workshop for you, learn the simple way of making a successful wedding client and even more wonderful portrait customer, learn to have wedding clients returning and recommending family members and learn to engage with the bridal party and the wedding guests to broaden your customer base of happy customers.
Why you will not want to miss out!
  • have your clients use your services again
  • learn the secrets of booking wedding guests in for Portrait Shoots
  • how to book the wedding party in for Portrait Shoots
  • how to successfully leverage your Weddings into Portraits
  • hands on goal setting to ensure you have an action plan.

Register now at your nearest location!

Perth – 24th January 2012

Venue: Shoot Photography Workshops
232 Stirling Street
Perth WA, 6000

Only: $495 per person AIPP members only $440 – book by the 15th January for a $50 discount!!
Time: 9am – 4.30pm

Group size is limited to maximise participation and learnings
25 CPD points awarded for AIPP members


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