I helped a client yesterday to add equipment to his very large video rig by screwing on little brass stems, plates, and holders. It was a very good video camera and the accessories like recorders and screens and sandwich warmers* made it into the closest thing to a Star Wars Imperial Cruiser that I have seen. What price the old Standard 8 movie camera...?
Well, the racks here contain a lot of other good little bits from Manfrotto that might just be the very thing for you and your camera rig. Feel free to imagine.
1. We've all see the the little 1/4" to 3/8" adapters that screw into the bottom of ball heads - nice but you need a zac to screw them in or remove them. Here's a larger finger-grippable adapter that could cheerfully grace an older Leica screw-mount camera if it has a European socket or a small ball head. It has enough surface area to provide a good grip.
2. Need to put something with a 1/4" threaded socket onto a hot shoe mount. This is brass and aluminium and should swing even a large component.
3. Nothing smaller for male 1/4" to male 3/8". particularly good for cheese plates and little monitors.
Of course you can argue that a trip to Bunnings or Atkins Carlysle might turn up useful things as well, but you'll find yourself doing more modifying than using.
* Just joking. I tried to fit a sandwich into the slot of the Black Magic hard drive and it was a dismal failurre. I blame the tuna fish.