Our virus year so far here in WA has been a strange one - locking down, lurking around, looking up...Zooming, Skyping, FaceTiming. Hand washing, alcohol squirting, and masking up. Cancelling many events and shows and transferring others to computer screens. Thank goodness most of us in the digital photo game are familiar with the machinery - even if we don't get the procedures right all the time.

And we're not alone. I suspect my internet service provided is running between coffee breaks trying to stop the wires from sparking. I'm not convinced that they will succeed - every post from here to you is a piece of good luck.

The stoppage of major camera shows - as well as a lot of other exhibitional activities has been a downer for people who like to look at pictures and picture-taking machines. CES, the Japanese shows, and Photokina all laid down and took a rest. We've no idea when they will wake up again. Our own CE PhotoLive went from the hotel rooms to the chat rooms as the management ran a two-day on-line event for subscribers.
And on Wednesday, a new-camera show happened here at the CE Stirling Street shop. It was the launch of the
Canon EOS R5 camera and it was run with much of the flavour of our traditional product nights. Drinks, hors d'oeuvres, speakers, and deals. There was a new
EOS R5 to hand round and the promise of stock arriving next day. Bless Saul for making that promise but don't curse him if it did not come true - these are times that test the transportation of everything.

The speakers, Brodie Butler and Matt Jelonek, had been given a go with the new
Canon R5 but not for a very long testing run. They both had a little opportunity to do their respective things with the camera - and they both noted the speed and focus accuracy improvements with this new camera - but I think they both wanted a longer time to wring it out. The sample that was being passed about the place on the night was a real device - not just an experimental ship. What people could feel on the night should have been delivered on Thursday...all being well.

I listened to Brodie as he told how he initially disliked mirror-less cameras but has reversed his opinion now and is going to retire the DSLRs he uses in favour of the smaller ones. This is what I found for myself when I switched - and I re-enforced my preference when the tilting screens and joysticks came in. I suspect that if I was re-equipping and wanted a full 24 x 36 frame sensor, the canon camera -or the upcoming
EOS R6 - would be very tempting.
Can you use the older lenses on the newer cameras? Yes - they both do. But they pointed out the advantages in image stabilisation and AF speed to be had with the new mirrorless lenses vs the old adapted ones.
Will some of the old flagship and standard Canon DSLR cameras go by the board? Well, there may be a stop to the line of development - you'll still be able to use what you have for a long time to come. But you will be doing yourself a favour if you at least try the new line.
I left before discussion got heated...but that discussion was going to be centred around how Canon deals with thermal build up in mirrorless cameras that are going to be doing ever more video work in the future. They won't be alone in this problem - a quick search of DPReview will uncover several other makers with a hot box problem. It ain't just the railroads.
Note: In the winter I would welcome an overheating camera I could huddle over. Must be hell for the star shooters out in the bush on a winter night.