The Ring Cycle On The Cheap*

on April 23, 2019
You can be Lord or Lady of the Ring Light on an economical basis with the Glanz LED 48 A unit. Rule 'em all... The use of the ring flash for macro work and illustration - also for medical recording - is well-known. There have been massive professional units, elegant technical ones and a number of almost - ring adapters. The first units were full of electricity and you always seemed in danger of it leaking out onto you. There were some pretty complex connections used between batteries, capacitor units, and control boxes. Major manufacturers sometimes opted for outside contributions to get a ring light into their product lineup. Sometimes they did it themselves - look at the professionally brilliant Nikon series of Medical Nikkors that superintended operations and lab dissections in the film era. But they were all pretty complex to rig up. Not so with the Glanz LED 48A - it is a simple ring of LED lights around your lens with power derived from penlight batteries. Oh, you can add a power adapter if you wish to operate for longer periods of time, but the field worker who ventures out into the forest looking for sprouting mushrooms or bird's eggs undisturbed in the nest will appreciate the super portability of this unit. AA batteries. They'll also like the fact that it can be slipped on and off the front of a lens without having to unscrew things in the woods. The kit you get has a series of metal adapter rings for popular lens sizes and you leave one of these discreetly screwed on and just attach the light unit when you need it. Could not be simpler. Note that you do get to vary the intensity of the lights to some extent - there's a control wheel for it. * You can separate out the generations and classes by the Ring cycle. It depends whether they know who Fasolt and Fafner are or immediately think of Frodo.

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