They love to go a'wandering
Along the German track
And as they go they love to sing
Their cameras on their back.
Leica M, Leica M, Leica M
Come and buy one Ahahahaha
Leica M, Leica M
We've got a special deal!
Now there's an earworm for all of you for the rest of the day.
Our principals have returned from the 100-year anniversary celebrations at Wetzlar, Germany where they participated in the opening of a dedicated manufacturing facility - an optical park, as it were.
They got to see the big manufacturing floors and the design facilities and the secret rocket works and everything and weren't allowed to take pictures...naturally. Apparently it was amazing and they got to see new equipment now that you will be seeing later. I am guessing that there was a lot of beer and sekts involved but that is just the way my mind works...
They also visited another very well known German equipment manufacturer and learned that some very well-engineered new equipment will be reaching us as well later in the year. Even if you are not a Leica person, you will benefit from this gear. Even I am tempted...
Uncle Dick