The Retro Album - Part Four

on December 01, 2023
Think about all the photo albums you have ever seen. From the family heirloom ones with battered black pages to the horrid plastic flower-covered ones with the shiny plastic overlays.
They never needed need to be so naff.
They could have been neat bound books with pictures neatly glued onto neutral pages. They could have been arranged in order. They could have had captions typed below each image. They could have looked good.
Well they can now. You'll be taking retro images with your retro camera in a retro way on virtual film. Order them up into albums and pay for a service like Blurb or Snapfish or Officeworks to print them into proper books. The price you did not pay for film and processing can easily go into these books, and you’ll need fear no hard drive collapse.
You do need to fear in-laws stealing your photo books to get copies of themselves for their albums. Ask me how I know this.
You can also make retro books and record them on such things as CD's or USB drives for more storage that can be duplicated as insurance against the thieves. For those concerned that these might be slightly dated technology - may we remind you that this is Retrovember after all…
Written by Richard Stein 

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