The Ingredients List On the CE Weblog Column Label

on August 06, 2018
Recently it was pointed out to me that I sometimes cook up the posts here in the Camera Electronic weblog column with a lot of the same ingredients - specifically with items from the Fujifilm shelf. That's actually a fair call, and I looked in my photographic pantry to see why. It turns out that I am in the habit of reaching for the ingredients that I am most familiar with - and I noticed that I also do so when I am cooking food in our kitchen. There is also the factor that I have a number of recipes that I have perfected and that I know will turn out* - when I've got guests coming I revert to the old standards. Well, now that I realise it, it's time to change the pattern. I am going to try to feature more brands in the future and to find some way to give them more cooking time before they are served. In photographic terms this means I'll have to find some way to operate the equipment that people want to read about for types of photography they are interested in. In this respect, the recent Photo Live 2018 event was great; I got to buttonhole visitors to the book table to ask them what sorts of things they wanted to see more of in the future - and a number of people specified landscapes and street photography. I am nowhere near as good as the recognised AIPP experts in these fields, but at least I can recognise a street and a landscape so that is a start. If the weather would abate, I might be able to make a start without wincing... One other thing - a column like this that's attached to a commercial enterprise - in this case Camera Electronic - can't really report on or advocate items or events that Camera Electronic doesn't have a part in. So there will inevitably be gaps in coverage. Fortunately the rest of the press seems to know what is going on and reports it relentlessly - no-one need miss out. In the case of this column, I am going to have to make sure that whatever I report on is actually something that CE can supply. I'm also going to put a fence around the law by making a note with each report where the goods or services were sourced from. If it's off the storeroom or sales floor shelves, I'll say so. If it is something I own personally, I'll mention that. If it is a loaner or demo device from one of the wholesalers or supply firms, that will be made clear. The only time I will not be telling all is if I have obtained the equipment by waylaying unwary photographers and mugging them for their camera bags. You can be too open about some things... * Texican chili beans, spaghetti bolognese, and sauerkraut with knackwurst are the fall-back success dishes. Not all on the same plate, but...

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