The Fighter

on September 04, 2017
If we are going to extend yesterday's analogy about aircraft and doughnuts to cameras, let's start with the fighter; the pursuit ship that has to climb, dive, and turn faster than the opposition. This would equate the agile camera that can respond quickly out in the field, as the fighter plane does in the air. Well, logic tells us that it needs to be fast - the camera with a high rate of continuous exposure plus the ability to empty the buffer will be the winner. It needs to power up quickly and to find focus in the shortest time. It needs to be able to resolve a scene adequately for all this rapid action - perhaps not as detailed as the heavier machines, but it must still shoot accurately. It should be quick to deploy, and not so large as to prevent carrying it for long periods. If multiple bodies are needed, they should be small enough to pack away. It should be easy to maintain. No good having a marvellously sophisticated aero-engine or camera if it is always in the repair shop being cleaned or tuned up - the difference between a complex sleeve-valve marvel and a plain old heavy radial might be the difference between one flying and one sitting in a hangar in bits...ditto overly-complex cameras. It must be rugged. Tough outside and inside. No brushed-iguana leather coverings or secret hinged flaps, please. Working upon the proposition that anything that can be broken off will eventually be broken off...the makers of both aircraft and cameras should make a positive effort to provide fewer breakable opportunities. No reflection on the flyers and shooters, but things do happen. Candidates for selection: the Hurricane, the Mustang, the Zero. Also the Leica M, the Fujifilm X-Pro 2, the Olympus Pen-F. All thecameras are available over the counter at Camera Electronic without a prescription. If you want the model aircraft go to Hobbytech Toys in Melville - I did. Featured Image: Hawker Hurricane MkII tropical in Egypt.

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