I'm not one for watching murder mysteries on television - I like mine in book form written by Mike Hammer or Agatha Christie. I'll occasionally delve into the Sherlock Holmes era as well, but wherever the story is set, I have one common experience - I fail to see the clues.
Of course, that's what I'm supposed to do to keep the suspense up until the end, and I play along and am amazed on cue in the end. Any novel that has lost the last three pages is a well of frustration.
Well...imagine my feelings on discovering this f:16 dust bunny on the top left of all my recent Fujifilm X-T2 images:

A real horror, and about the size of a Volkswagen. And no amount of turning the camera upside down and puffer blowing seemed to dislodge the damn thing. I was fearful that something had lodged under the glass filter and it would be a factory job...
Then I switched lenses on the body to the old Tokina macro:

And no bunny. Was I the bunny here? I took the normal 18-55 lens off the camera and set it down, preparatory to blowing out the camera yet another time...

And then I shifted one of the product table lights...

Yup. Whatever it consisted of was big and dirty and stuck on the back surface of the lens - the bit we never suspect. I sacrificed one packet of Hoodman Lens Cleanse to free the glass surface and it was gone forever. The Lens Cleanse packets were recommended to us years ago by Ernest as the best wet cleaning system he'd seen.
Now that my suspicions are aroused, I am going to lay out every other lens I own and see if the cat has been sleeping in any of them as well. The Lens Cleanse packet has 5 cleans in it and I'm going to get value for money. And no factory repair needed.