Photo trade shows can be about many things; cameras, lenses, tripods, lights, bowls of candy, etc. All hardware - and sometimes you can add software as well - the digital programs that power our computers.
But we can forge there is also brainware - the things that you can participate in that stretch your mind and fill it with good things. it's not just your gadget bag that needs novelties - you need new ideas.
Where do you go to for them? Who has them? Haw do you get access to them? Is it costly? Are you in mortal danger? ( I just put that last one in to keep you awake. People are hardly ever torn apart in the classroom these days. Occasionally, but not often. ) Well the answer to this was dotted all round the PhotoLive Expo 2022 room at the Novotel. It was the educational institution and society stands that had the answers.

I counted Shoot Photography Workshops, TAFE, the Western Australian Photographic Federation, and others there bidding for the attention of prospective students. All with similar and different things to teach, and all complimenting each other in the connectivity they give to the Western Australian photographic community.
Some of these organisations are training people who'll wok in the trade or profession...some are supplying information to the keen amateurs. They have the best chance of finding the latter at one of these trade shows - who else will travel a long distance to pore over the goods and services. There is a natural attraction between the participants - and in the case of the amateurs there may not be as much rivalry as between the professionals. Or is it the other way around?

The other thinking bits were occurring all day in separate locations: talks and workshops. The former in ten separate sessions the latter in six.
People who might have elected to listen to every single talk would have had a long day of it - and might not have been able to retain all the information. Professional students at tertiary institutions would have a tough time with a schedule like that. The work-shoppers had deeper insights into their disparate topics but could only have attended 3 out of the mix of 6 as they were held concurrently in two separate presentation rooms.
That's quite a deal of learning in one hotel on one day, and I have to hand it to the CE management for knowing enough people who could organise it. I would be willing to bet, what with the setting up, showing off, and packing up, that the management and staff were sleeping soundly when they got home.