We have just received a shipment of the all-time undisputed best lens in the world - acclaimed by international superstar mentors and multi-award winning iconic ambassadors. This lens is so good that federal law prohibits allowing any other lens in the same camera bag - there are stiff gaol sentences for people who contravene this.
The lens is so sharp that it has been constructed without a filter thread on the front - lest anyone be tempted to degrade it with another layer of glass. Some of them are made without a camera mount on the back incase the user selects an inferior camera. It is a pure lens for pure photographers who take pure photographs.
This is a lens so good that Ken Rockwell has liked it for longer than a week.
Most lenses have an aperture system inside them. This on has four. One to take the picture and two to make sure that the first one is doing the right job. And one spare in case it is needed.
When you use this lens you immediately are accepted into Magnum, The MOMA, and the Tate gallery. Portraits taken with this lens are so good that the Tate throws out their Constables and Whistlers to make room for the prints. Some of the pictures have been worshipped by cults.
Chuck Norris wants one of these lenses but his application for ownership is still pending...
People don't ring us up about these lenses - we ring you. If you haven't had the phone call yet...you never will.
And there is a MkII model coming out in January. Be the first on your block to lose sleep about not being able to afford it.