Talk To The Hand...

on October 14, 2019
The one with the Olympus Voice Recorder in it, please. I want to remember your every word. To be honest, I want to remember every word I've spoken as well, and I can't. This makes it very awkward later in front of the partner, kids, and in-laws. They cross-check my stories and you only have to get it wrong once to never hear the end... For less fraught circumstances, like university lectures, business meetings, club addresses, and poetry slams, the Olympus machines are just perfect. They record digitally ( heaven knows how ) and can cram an immense amount of audio onto their memory. This can then be transferred to other digital storage devices so that it can haunt you and others forever. How much audio? One promises 1040 hrs, another 1570 hrs, and third a whopping 1620 hrs. That's 202 working days up to lunch hour of the last day. Even the longest sales meeting cannot outlast these recorders, though I've attended a few that tried...Be aware that anything you record has to either be listened to later, which is like hitting yourself twice or erased. This latter can give you a wonderful sense of freedom. But joking aside, these can be a Godsend for conferences, lectures you cannot attend, or making authors notes. You can read things aloud to yourself when you cannot remove the literature, and the joke about taking reminder notes for general memory is not as funny as you might think as you get older. It is either going to be one of these, a house full of sticky notes, or just wandering about vaguely. Where was I?

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