
Making the Most of Insta360 ONE

Making the Most of Insta360 ONE

If you've been paying attention to social media platforms like YouTube lately, you will have noticed a growing trend. More and more vloggers and casual videographers are turning to 360-degree cameras. The reason is simple; a...
on April 11, 2021
New-Mount Canon Cinema

New-Mount Canon Cinema

Bear with me. I have been shown a marvellous Canon camera that I cannot fully appreciate - I can only parrot what I've been told. I'm not a video shooter. Indeed the last movie I went...
on April 11, 2021
New Out of The DJI Cabinet

New Out of The DJI Cabinet

Where I so rarely go... Carlos responded instantly to my cry of " What's New? " by finding me a half dozen things. The first was the new DJI RS2 gimbal camera rig. I will never...
on February 25, 2021
The Iron Spider - You Never Know

The Iron Spider - You Never Know

You never know what these things do - you never know that you want them. Till you see them. I can't tell you what the little metal spider is called - it was sitting in the...
on November 03, 2020
Italian Arm Gestures

Italian Arm Gestures

And not the rude ones, either. You can get in a lot of trouble making those sort of signs, but you won't have any problems if you use the Manfrotto Mini and Micro arm systems. Who...
on October 29, 2020
New Things Seen - New Things Learned

New Things Seen - New Things Learned

I like to go to the camera events at CE when there is something new in the offing and the local representatives have a worked up a slide show and sample to introduce it. There is...
on September 17, 2020


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

