Stirling Street Store

Peering Into The Cabinets - Part Four - Peer Elsewhere Too

Peering Into The Cabinets - Part Four - Peer Elsewhere Too

Camera Electronic has always been a good place to come to when you wanted to do a bit of peering. In Ron Frank's day, you could do pondering as well because sometimes the stuff on the...
on August 07, 2019
Peering Into The Cabinet - Part One - The History

Peering Into The Cabinet - Part One - The History

Peering into cabinets at Camera Electronic has been a major part of photographic culture in Western Australia for nearly 50 years. In some cases it has been peering and lusting and in others peering and wondering....
on August 03, 2019
Lurking Beauty In Murray Street

Lurking Beauty In Murray Street

I like to haunt* the Camera Electronic premises every so often. Retiring from behind the counter a couple of years ago but not from the editorial desk means that I need information and inspiration from the...
on January 04, 2018

The Impulse Buy Vs The Considered Negotiation

Here is a little trade secret; sometimes supermarkets put things in their shops in such a way as to obstruct the aisle and slow the customer down. If the barrier is a hanging rack or a...
on November 16, 2016

Room For Expansion...The New Premises And The Old Customers

As I get older I am a little dismayed by expansion - the increase in the size of bills for water and electricity and the greater role my local council seems to want me to play...
on November 06, 2016

The Time Draweth Nigh - Murray St

The time fixed for the refurbishing of the new premises at the corner of Murray Street and Queen Street is reeling out and the finish date approaches. You may assume a reasonable level of panic and...
on October 24, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

