
Pass The Photographic Parcel

Pass The Photographic Parcel

Start the music, Miss Jane! Now everyone pass your portfolio to the person next to you. Stop the music, Miss Jane! And now we get to work. We all have a portfolio of work - amateur...
on February 14, 2023
I'll Have The Professional Model, Thank You

I'll Have The Professional Model, Thank You

I have taken many pictures over the last two decades of people dressed up in costumes - or undressed up in skin - and I have concluded that the very best of the models are either...
on January 07, 2021
Do I Look Big Enough? Am I Small Enough? Do I Have The Right Amount Of Anxiety?

Do I Look Big Enough? Am I Small Enough? Do I Have The Right Amount Of Anxiety?

We all have worries about our size - even if we insist that we don't. The too-small want to be bigger and the too-big want to be smaller. The just-right are nervous in case they appear...
on August 11, 2019


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

