
Scan Painlessly - Part Three

Scan Painlessly - Part Three

Once you decide to scan a collection of negatives and slides, you need to take some decisions. Even if it is just to decide to be indecisive... First thing to do is decide why you are...
on April 26, 2023
Wadja Wanadu

Wadja Wanadu

Not the name of a new district in the bush - it's the thing you need to say to yourself when you approach a photographic occasion. The decision as to what it's going to be can...
on April 12, 2023
Take One Good Shot

Take One Good Shot

Instead of 150 pointless ones. The amount of time you will save in post-processing - and the money you'll save for travel, doughnuts, and penicillin injections - over the year will amaze you. People will stop...
on September 21, 2022
The Long-Term Plan For Your Photography

The Long-Term Plan For Your Photography

I had a long-term plan for my photographic career - stop laughing - it was to keep on taking pictures until I was either famous, infamous, or completely obscure. I didn't care which; I am starting...
on July 28, 2022

" How Many Pictures Do You Want? "

A very good question indeed, and one that needs answering before you press the button rather than after: a. How many pictures do you need to document the event? If it is a human-wave infantry attack...
on February 16, 2021
Proof Of Concept

Proof Of Concept

Proof of concept is a very useful idea when you're a photographer - particularly when you want to come down to the shop and spend money - but can't think of what to spend it on....
on October 18, 2020


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