photo trade

The Art Of The Dirty Ear

The Art Of The Dirty Ear

Before you get too concerned, I am writing about the business of following photography in Perth in 2021...keeping your ear to the ground. We all like to think we are either up-to-date with every new thing...or...
on July 06, 2021
Standing Pat

Standing Pat

Watch the stores these coming weeks as people are panicked into buying things in fear of a viral quarantine. Note the social media as it fans the flames. Watch as silly things creep into the equation;...
on March 12, 2020
The Standard Of The Industry

The Standard Of The Industry

The phrase " Standard Of The Industry " is wonderful. It has the sort of authority that is slowly slipping away from the rest of society. Time has eroded the power of the religious authority figure,...
on January 15, 2018

Photokina OP

Just monitoring the net in my jammies...Looks like we are going to have the pleasure of a Fujifilm medium format camera and a line of lenses dedicated to it. Think in terms of a larger version...
on September 19, 2016

Uncle Dick's Hot Wash Up - The Photo Live Expo 2016

I hope that all the people who visited us yesterday down at the Novotel Langley hotel got home safely and slept soundly - I know I did. It's because I had a happy day.Tasked with minding...
on July 24, 2016


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

