
The Best Travel Tripods For Landscape Adventures

The Best Travel Tripods For Landscape Adventures

Eventually, every photographer ends up buying a tripod for one reason or another. And no other genre calls for a tripod as much as landscape photography. But the question is, do you buy cheap or go...
on May 18, 2021
Test Your Legs

Test Your Legs

And be prepared to be horrified. I say this having been told of some of the things that tripods do by the repairman in our shop. He has a set of tales that would have Stephen...
on May 06, 2021
Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls

When you are cutting them out and pasting them together no-one seems to bother you on the bus... I was brought to this conclusion by a week of studio cleaning - getting ready for the start...
on December 10, 2020
Italian Arm Gestures

Italian Arm Gestures

And not the rude ones, either. You can get in a lot of trouble making those sort of signs, but you won't have any problems if you use the Manfrotto Mini and Micro arm systems. Who...
on October 29, 2020
The Automatic White Imbalance

The Automatic White Imbalance

My colleagues at Camera Electronic called my attention to an LED ring light the other day that is fitted with a mount for your mobile phone and an adjustable slider to change the white balance of...
on September 20, 2020
When Isn't A Wimberley?

When Isn't A Wimberley?

Sorry about the tortured English of the title - late night and too much coffee. What I really meant to say is " Here is a tracking gimbal mount for a very large telephoto lens that...
on July 05, 2020


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