
Uncle Dick's Shut-Out Corner

Uncle Dick's Shut-Out Corner

Wait. What? I thought we were supposed to stay in and stay away from everyone. Yes we are. Still the most cogent advice from the government and the medical advisers. Still unpalatable to many people. But...
on April 25, 2021

May IN THE LOUPE - Item 5 - Epson V850 Pro Scanner

https://www.cameraelectronic.com.au/epson-perfection-v850-pro-scanner Our current circumstances of lockdown have prompted a lot of photographers to set about scanning their previous analog work and converting it to digital storage - the writer of this newsletter amongst them. I've used...
on May 12, 2020

May IN THE LOUPE - Item 4 - Nanoshield Web Cam

Just as we found out the good news about the Nikon Z6 camera being great for video conferencing, we looked into our stocks of other accessories and found that we have a very good web cam...
on May 12, 2020
Hows Your Courage?

Hows Your Courage?

Because here's where you climb over the barbed wire and stand up. We all take selfies. Even old-school shooters arrange the lights in the good old main/fill/hair pattern, attach the camera to a tripod, and attempt...
on April 09, 2020


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

