
The Photo Library

The Photo Library

Every time I go to a book store - whether it is a glossy one like Kinokuniya in Sydney or the photo markets at Leederville Town Hall, I am amazed to see the amount of literature...
on December 31, 2020
When Money Is No Object...

When Money Is No Object...

Let me start this column by recognising the basic nonsense of the title. Money is always an object - either as a number on a screen or a pile of bills and coins. It is also...
on September 08, 2020
Three Real Deals

Three Real Deals

What is a real deal? a. An actual thing that is right there in front of you - as opposed to a promised product that has just popped up as a Kickstarter with the possible idea...
on September 06, 2020
Leica Or Not, You Need Me

Leica Or Not, You Need Me

If you have always sighed to own a Leica camera but quailed at the price of the new ones, there is an opportunity for you now in the secondhand shelves of Camera Electronic. Ignore the gold-washed...
on August 04, 2020
The Simple Journey - Part Two - Goin' Nowhere

The Simple Journey - Part Two - Goin' Nowhere

And that just about describes the last couple of months, eh? I am assuming that you have, like my family, been doing the right thing and hunkering down in the bunker. So far we are safe...
on May 26, 2020
Boxing Clever - The Retail Package Jungle

Boxing Clever - The Retail Package Jungle

If you are in retail or wholesale trade you'll get what I am about very quickly - if you're just a customer, read on gently and you'll understand at the end. Warehouses, storerooms, stock rooms...call them...
on February 19, 2020


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

