
No More Twit Pics

No More Twit Pics

Or so it would seem from an article in DP Review. A recent posting noted an change in the command structure at the Twitter organisation and a decision to stop allowing pictures of people to be...
on January 09, 2022
The Facebook Effect On The CE Camera Column

The Facebook Effect On The CE Camera Column

You all know Facebook, don't you? The addictive social media site that allows you to play computer games while viewing other people's lunches? And you all follow the side bar of Facebook News don't you? The...
on March 22, 2018
Reputable, Reportable, Repeatable

Reputable, Reportable, Repeatable

The three R's of a commercial weblog column are encapsulated in that heading - everything that comes out on your screen at home should contain at least one of those attributes. The better events or products...
on February 28, 2018

Picking Up Small Change

We see many famous and successful professional photographers here in our shop. Award-winners, superstars, iconic ambassadors, and mentors. They are a wonderful experience and do us a great deal of good - not least in the...
on September 20, 2015

Write Rite,Right?

Every morning I sit down to write something for the Camera Electronic blog page. Every evening I sit down to write something for my own personal blog pages*. Surprisingly, all three posts are different, even if...
on August 09, 2015

Experimental Weekend - A Note Of Caution

This has been a weekend of quiet experimentation in the dark room. Not the darkroom - chemical work was laid aside some years ago and has not been picked up. The dark room that used to...
on March 08, 2015


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

