
The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

And it ain't about money. Or hoarded toilet paper, either. That would have introduced a bum note into an otherwise dignified scientific discussion... I noticed a small change on the underside of the Fujifilm X-100V camera...
on March 08, 2020
Coming To Grips With Canon

Coming To Grips With Canon

This week I finally come to grips with the new Canon EOS R camera system - or at least with one example of it. Enough stock has arrived to allow me to take one back to...
on November 25, 2018
FInding The Light Switch

FInding The Light Switch

When you enter a dark room in your own house most of you reach for the light switch...but you don't look for it. You have long since learned where it is and even if it is...
on November 04, 2018
Sony Smart Things

Sony Smart Things

I have been accused of being too narrow in my focus upon photographic equipment - basing my coverage upon my own prejudices. This is hurtful. The Flapoflex digital wet-plate camera is, and has always been, the...
on December 31, 2017

New Camera Week - Olympus

One of the splendid perks of being a weblog writer is that you get the chance to try out new photographic equipment in your own time. It is altogether a different experience from that of reading...
on February 18, 2017

Gimmee One'A Dem - Part Five -The Hot Wash-Up

Okay, your friend has come with you into the shop - or perhaps it is the other way round. You may have the whole fam damily in there as well, and that can make for distraction...
on February 09, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.


