
Dial N For Nerder

Dial N For Nerder

Oh stop groaning. Be thankful that you saw the old Hitchcock movie called " Dail M For Murder ". With Grace Kelly and Ray Milland in it, it was worth seeing. Grace Kelly was always worth...
on February 19, 2023
Is Simplicity Too Complex?

Is Simplicity Too Complex?

I am afraid I have this picture in my mind of a Japanese monk raking a stone garden. The garden has one small altar and a very carefully placed bamboo plant. The monk's face is peaceful...
on January 12, 2021
It's Okay If You All Think Alike - Or Not...

It's Okay If You All Think Alike - Or Not...

I've gone through a number of photo eras here and in North America and can look back to compare and contrast them. So, very likely, have you. If you've not experienced them so far, here's hoping...
on October 08, 2020
The Analog Line - Part Seven - Whoville

The Analog Line - Part Seven - Whoville

As to the question of who can practise analog photography we can answer by pointing you to the world of 1980. Everyone you knew then could - and if they are still alive they can now....
on May 02, 2019
Driven By Art Or Science? Or Just Driven?

Driven By Art Or Science? Or Just Driven?

Will today's column sell you something? Will it drag your carcass into the shop and your credit card out onto the counter? Probably least not for the majority of the clients that Camera Electronic deals...
on August 16, 2017


At Camera Electronic we love photography – and we love writing about it. There is always new equipment coming into the shop and the industry leaders are always finding new ways that it can be used. Now you can freshen up your weekday with our weblog column and get some of that fun yourself.

