Swipograhical Errors

on December 27, 2022
From time to time we all meak typographical errors. I do it to attract the attention of one particular reader - he doesn't get out much these days and it is nice to be able to do something for him. It is harder to do than you'd think, however, as the Wordpress mechanism has a spell-checking feature that underlines the errors as they are typed. You can see and correct as you go - however, when you deliberately add clangers you have to put up with the red light all the time you're typing. But it is something you can cope with. On the less-than-copable list is the performance of the touch and swipe screens that now infest the digital world. Adapted from mobile telephone design, the screens respond to minute pressures to change settings. The computer that this blog is typed on is too old for this, I am happy to say, but the wife's Windows machine has a full-blown touchscreen...and I am always running foul of it when I try to point out anything on a spreadsheet or list of icons. The computer instantly switches from the window it was showing to something else and you spend half your time getting back to where you started. I have also noted the same behaviour on camera LCD screens for some brands - though in most cases there is the option to disable the touch screen when you switch it on - I can only hope that command then carries on when the camera is next powered-up. I know some of the most useful commands on my Fujifilms lapse when it is turned off and you have to re-order the thing every blessed time. I am also bemused by the number of times I have commanded a camera with my nose - it being the first part of me to hit the screen when I try to peer through the viewfinder eyepiece. Extra blessings for the designers that make that eyepiece stand away from the screens. Does this mean that older methods were better? Or just older. This of us who whacked a keyboard on a mechanical typewriter know that the chance of hitting the right key, having the little arm rise out of the rack of mechanical linkages and hit the inky ribbon, paper, and rubber roller with just the right force was slim - and when you added the chance of your finger pressing the wrong key anyway...well Michael Nesmith was the heir to the Liquid Paper fortune and it was never going to be a failure while I owned a typewriter. But with the old mechanical writers, you could pause your fingers on the keys while you had thoughts without the things instantly activating every control on the machine. Everyone else around you swooped on your errors, but the Remington didn't judge you.

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