Sunday Night Sorted

on June 25, 2018
I'm going to have a good Sunday - the one coming up on the 1st of July. First, it's Dominion Day in Canada and even here in Perth we get to drink Molsons and eat butter tarts, eh? And for those of us from Calgary, we get to bag Edmonton. Normally doesn't get better than that. But it does. At 6:00 PM that Sunday I'm going to repair to Shoot photography ( full of Molsons and tarts ) to hear the British photographer Sam Harris speak on his photographic experiences from London to the bush. You may have seen the advertisement for the talk on your CE email news feed or on posters at the shop. He's had extensive press and commecial experience there and here. It's not going to be dear - $ 49 - so you might want to ring up the shop this week and make a booking - it may get crowded out otherwise. Words , pictures, anecdotes, equipment ideas, techniques... And I am particularly keen to ask a technical question: When did the Royal Air Force change the uniforms and haircut regulations for helicopter pilots? Does Sam have any more reference shots of this pilot for model painting? Normally I'm rotten at painting figures but I feel I could succeed with this one...

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