Starting Fresh

on July 05, 2023

This column starts something new - an updated blog with new electronics driving it. It’s been a while coming, as you’ve seen, but with a bit of luck and careful typing, it should be even better than before.

And that’s the theme for Camera Electronic readers as well - the business of starting something fresh. The photographic art ( or science, or trade ) is one of the best places to pursue innovation - capture it - and make it do good things for yourself.

This is seen on the shelves all the time - and in the advertisements that our marketing department send you. The dearth of fresh stock in the past few years is ending - new goods are coming back into the market. The designers and the factories are speeding up.

It might be time to speed up your own processes. A new camera or lens is fine, but new ideas are even better. Is there something you’ve always wanted to photograph…but never tried? Now, Maitland - now’s your time.

Is there something you’ve never wanted to shoot? Well, now’s the time to order yourself to do it and overcome your resistance. The best images come when you love or hate a subject, so this is the time to make either friends or enemies.

Last fresh start? Start presenting your work in a new way. if you’ve only ever shown at a camera club, build a website or a blog. If you’ve never had a photo book printed for yourself, look up one of the services and go for it. I recently made a brag book for my scale model club and everyone is delighted with it.

Up and doing! Camera Electronics has two stores full of lots of people, full of lots of ideas. Come in and see us.

Text and Images by Richard Stein 


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