The sign writers have been busy round the front of our building recently and the last panel was put in place at the start of the week - please see small photo above.
The shop windows have always been a puzzle for us - we wanted daylight to filter into the shop but the westerly aspect of the front glass meant that we also got a deal of heat in summer. As well, it was difficult to know whether to present equipment for street inspection or let it look into the shop for visitors.
The clever signs on the front windows change all this - they are on a film of self-adhesive plastic or metal that has minute holes punched through it. The outside has enough continuity to provide a canvas for printed art while the inside shows light but stops heat - a win on three counts.
And the message of the signs? Look closely - they identify us as authorised, official dealers in very high quality photographic equipment. Note that the signs are attached to a very heavy building, right here in your home town. A place where you can come that is real - and not a fake website. A place that has firm connection with the manufacturers and their representatives and will not disappear when someone pulls a plug, packs up the laptop, and runs for it...
It is a place where people have names - Saul, Howard, Adam, Brent, Sam, Ernest, Daniel, Mike, Gavin, Chris, Dick, Ron, James, Karen - and not aliases.
And unlike Ken Rockwell, we actually speak to people face to face - real conversations - not just monologues.