Show Us Your Scars

on May 23, 2022
Okay, photographer. Show us your scars. Back first... Hmmm. That one's fresh. ATO? Perhaps you need a accountant to help you bandage it. The accountant will want you to have an ABN number and keep a journal of receipts and payments, and I'd keep all commercial receipts for equipment, rent, power, phones, etc. Be thorough. Be clear. Be plodding. Don't get creative here - save that for the studio floor. If the numbers do add up, the ATO will want a smaller one from you than otherwise. It's dull work, but eases the pain. Now about this other set of scars. The big ones on the shoulders. They seem to have brand names on them. Have you been buying way more photographic gear than ever you need? You know the staff members in a big photo shop like Camera Electronics can help you with that. If you tell them what you do and why, they can steer you to the right equipment to do it with. Okay, you may have to bear a burden of purchase, but if you buy well, the scar will only be once, and you need not be criss-crossed with more as you change systems. Is this gouge recent? Have you been working for an advertising agency? Did they have an art director and did that person have a whip? Or a wood chisel? Well, turn around - there 's a real set of welts on your front as well. Not as deep, but more frantic looking... Clients? Clients telling you what they saw in a magazine and demanding you do the same? Clients wanting a discount on their discount? Clients wanting all the raw files as well as all the completed files so they can add Instagram filters to them? That's a lot of blood - want a box of bandaids? Perhaps next time do not bare your breast and defy them to do their worst - they appear to have a lot of worst available.

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