Show Me The Money - Harvesting The Drobo

on February 20, 2013

Have you seen the prices that printed ephemera of the 1950's commands on eBay? It's fantastic! I'll bet it is even better at Christie's or Sotheby's. Why, there must be fortunes to be made with old magazines out in the back shed - and who knows what men's magazine gold has been tucked between the mattresses of teenage boys since then. Provided their mothers did not find them, they might still be there.

Mind you, so might the bedbugs. So to avoid that sort of trouble I decided to make my own vintage retro magazines - I'll be sending them in for auction as soon as the Epson printer gets through the stack of files.

Of course it s not all just profit - there is a fair amount of work involved in getting the girls into the corsets and girdles and the props needed are never cheap. IKEA always seems to have something that is nearly right but not quite so, and the antique stores are run by descendants of Henry Morgan. Fortunately many old people have period furniture in the shed so it always pays to beg.

The articles for he magazine are easy to write. Sex sells, and as long as you can remember to hint rather than explain, all is well. These are the 1950's after all. Germans and Japanese are also good copy as this was just after they were beaten and before they rose again. The Commies as well - if all else fails find a red star and stick it on something and suggest that there are more under the bed. Hey, It worked for Senator Joe, it can work for you.

I am still a little unsure as to how to age the paper and the pictures to simulate the real article sixty years on. I have no problem spilling coffee on myself but so far the stains on the images look a little fake. And there is nothing so false as reality rejigged. I wonder if I can get someone to pay in Pounds and Shillings?

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