Break out the Hawaiian shirts and the straw hats. Break out the tequila! The blog is going on a road trip!
Well, not exactly by road, except for the last little bit between Newcastle and the Hunter Valley, but it will be a photographic journey. In this case it is not so much to see scenery, but photographs and photographers - we're going to the AIPP Nikon Event for 2012.
I won't anticipate the speakers but we seem to have a full schedule of lectures, or presentations, or workshops booked between next Sunday and Wednesday week. Given the reputation of the Hunter Valley for producing red wine, I am personally hoping that professional speaking will degenerate into drunken slurring about 7:00 each night - then I can get the real answers to the real questions. Like "Where did I put my shoes?".
Thanks to the horrors of modern life/wonders of technology I will be able to send photographs on the net of the event. I am confident that many will be in focus and well-exposed but I cannot guarantee the position and angle of the horizon.
Who goes to this sort of thing? I'll find out. What do they really talk about? I'll listen. One thing is certain - at the prices they charge for attendance and accommodation, few of the participants will be using 620 Ensign cameras and putting the film in at the chemist.
Mind you, I could be wrong - have you seen what they charge for film processing at chemists these days...?