Riding To The Rescue - With the RFDS

on August 06, 2016

Australians can get themselves into trouble in lots of places - financial, legal, moral, and otherwise. When they do it overseas they have to rely on the DFAT and the consulates to help them get out of it - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It is a worry.

But when they are here at home they can breathe a sigh of relief in one respect - if they get into medical trouble anywhere out in the vast reaches of the continent, they have a thoroughly reliable rescue service that can come and get them.

No, it isn't the 7th Cavalry - it is the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Their planes are the best sight to see when trouble strikes out in the bush because they are bringing professional help in the form of medical practitioners, nurses, and the emergency equipment they need. The planes are flown by the best pilots in Australia* and they are especially selected and equipped for transporting the patients back to the major medical facilities.

I see them daily, and sometimes nightly - we live under the flight path for Jandakot airport as they come in from the North. By the time we see them they have their flaps and wheels down and are looking for the smoothest line into the airport. The turboprop engines have a sound very distinctive from that of other light aircraft - and as an engine enthusiast I would love to see one close up with the cowling removed.

Okay - enough aeronautics - this is an advertisement for a concert that you can go to to support the RFDS.

It is to be held at St. Luke's Church, Monument Street, Mosman Park on Sunday, September 4th at 4:00 to 6:30 PM. The concert is entitled Chords For Angels. It will be some of the best-loved songs from the 60's through to the 80's.

Featured musicians are Nick Melidonis, Anne Rowe, Keith McDonald, Garry Baverstock, Steve Warner-Jones, Nigel Shaw,Mayo Merga, and Sam Paolino.

RSVP booking is essential : lesleyhawkings@bigpond.com

Get your booking in before August 29th - there'll be drinks and canapés supplied.

Here is a poster made by someone who is really grateful to the RFDS...I won't say who or why but perhaps he'll tell you on the night. Go-on fly to your computer and book for this event - we all benefit.

Note: the RFDS Pilatus PC-12 turboprops are going to be joined by new Pilatus PC-24 long range jets next year. As a plane spotter I could not be happier... and the patients will get a faster, smoother ride to safety.

* Yep, the best. And the wingies of the RAAF and Qantas can aspire...

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