Rewriting the Numbers

on March 12, 2012
Business is hotting up - have you stepped outside today? Well, anyway, we have worked closely with Nikon and Canon to decrease pricing and increase value wherever we can. That way you can come in and still get the same great service with the same great smile... you just pay less for it :). We want to make more people into real photographers.

So come into the shop or check out our new pricing at

It will be well worth your while to look at the new prices for our Canon and Nikon equipment - for the cameras, lenses, flashes, and kits that are so popular. Prices have been lowered - so there are sound financial reasons for you to get that new piece of equipment that you need - now.

I think there will be a lot of popping in the next couple of months as the newest of the new gear comes on-stream. Of course the manufacturers are falling over themselves to beat their competition to the draw with the new equipment, and we'll be doing our best to get this into the store as fast as we can.

If it is too hot to pop this week, look at our on-line listings. You're sure to find something that fits your wallet or camera bag.

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