Reflect on this

on August 16, 2012

If you think this may seem a little humble as a blog topic, you don't know me. I am ready to write essays on the plumbing if nothing else offers.

As it is, I have just racked up the latest shipment of Premier reflectors downstairs and this time there seem to be some interesting variants. Of course there are the round folding ones - translucent, white, silver, gold, etc. and there are the 5-in-one kits that give you further choices. These are now in small and large sizes. A good choice if you are going to do different looks in different colour teperatures.

The new bit is the rectangular reflectors. These are a sensible way to configure the surface as it gives you a couple of flat surfaces to set the reflector onto a floor or table - and not have it attempt to roll away. Again you can get these in medium and large sizes.

None of these items are expensive, and they can be a real shoot saver if you are dealing with Western Australian sunshine. An assistant to hold them and angle them properly is also a good idea. The one thing about reflectors is you do not have to worry about synchronization or battery charge. And if it rains on your shoot you can huddle under it.

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