on December 20, 2018
No, don’t build barricades and lever up the paving stones just yet. We are not going to have a riot or a revolution - just a lot of fun with street photography. Project 7:30 is an artistic and humanitarian photo venture that has raised good deal of money for the needy. So far it appears to have been very successful in Melbourne and Adelaide in 2017 and 2018. It’s coming to Perth on the 11th of January , 2019. Essentially it amounts to turning 30 photographers loose in the streets for 7 hours to capture one iconic picture each - of the city where the event is run. Then an exhibition is assembled of finished work and auctioned for charity. They just have those seven hours to get what they need - though in Melbourne they have the advantage of all four seasons presented in the one day…Who knows what the weather will be like in Perth? There are a number of sponsors of this event - Anglicare, Ilford, Epson, Canson, Kayell, North Metro TAFE, Team Digital, the MAP group and…us - Camera Electronic. It should be a hoot. The 30 photographers mentioned on the event website have a vast range of skill, knowledge, interest, and nosiness…so they should be quite a sight themselves, poking about the place on the day. If you see one, try get round in front of them and look iconic - you might be the image that they select as the best of Perth. For now, go to the event website: Read about what has gone before and plan to get along to see their exhibition. This is what fun photography is all about.

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