Print Big - Save Big - Epson Cash Back

on July 15, 2015

Winter is upon us but the Epson company does not intend to sit around and be cold. Neither should you....they have a couple of offers for the printers amongst you that will warm you up without having to burn money.

The Epson large format printers can be big, or not really so big. The Epson Stylus Pro 7900, 9900, 7890, and 9890 fit into the former category and the Epson Stylus Pro SP 4900 into the latter.

In each case they are the standard of the industry for their respective print sizes - we are lucky to have one sitting here for our shop sign and poster printing. It works a treat.

The real news today from Epson is that they are goong to run a cash-back program for the purchase of thes printers between now and the 15th of September.

For the Stylus Pro 7900,9900,7890,and 9890 you will get $ 1000 back from them.

If you choose a Stylus Pro SP-4900 you qualify for $ 500 cash back.

These are not offers to sneeze at - even if you do have a winter cold.


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