PocketWizard Plus III

on March 11, 2012
We're just about to take delivery of the new PocketWizard Plus III radio transceivers. Those of you who have used the PW Plus II and the PW MultiMAX know that they are the very flexible and reliable. The PW III adds new features to extend this even further. Of course they are reverse-compatible with these other two fine products.

The 32 channels of the MultiMax have been retained and the photographer can now trigger 4 independent zones from one position, turning groups of lights on and off. The range of the units can be increased readily with the Long Range option and even further with the ability of the units to combine and relay a signal.

The units are very clever, being able to distinguish whether they are expected to be transmitters or receivers at any one time. Indeed, if you wish to give remote camera firing instructions , the PW Plus III on it will do so but then automatically shift up one frequency to pass on the command to a remote flash unit.

The units have a two-stage trigger so that the normal operations of auto-focusing and auto-exposure sensing may take place and then a further pressure will fire the camera. If you are shooting a motor drive camera ( do we still call them that?) it can cycle at 14.5 frames per second.

Best of all the casing for the PW Plus III has a back-lit LCD screen on the side of the unit - the profile the photographer sees has been slimmed down.

We'll blog you when they arrive.

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