Photo Live Expo 2016 - Less Than A Month To Go

on June 28, 2016

You will probably have seen one of the Photo Live 2016 Announcements on your Facebook feed - or perhaps you are one of the subscribers to In The Loupe or our shop emails. You may even be someone who reads this weblog column...

Well, you'll have noticed that there is slightly under a month to go until the Photo Live 2016 is staged - it'll be Sunday, the 24th of July at the Perth Novotel Langley form 10:00 to 5:00. The advertisements encourage you to wander down and wander in and wander around.

The cost for wandering is very reasonable - a gold coin donation to Telethon - but you might want to consider a little more focused activity. There are to be a number of speakers on a wide variety of photographic subject and the cost for attending their talks is VERY reasonable. Like a pinta beer in a pub price you can get the latest ideas about specialised subjects from world-class speakers who are recognised experts in their field. Interested in....?

Drones & Aerial
Pet Photography
Surf, Beach and Lifestyle
Wedding and Couples

Well, never mind finding an App for that - we've got real live experts for that and for the price of a talk ticket, you get to hear what you really need to know. I'm not going to use the phrase "horse's mouth" here because some of these are attractive people, but if you want to find out what is right - RIGHT NOW - then go to their lectures.

If you're going to be in the workshop mood on the day, there are three longer session. They deal with

Adobe software
Studio Lighting
Food Photography

Now the catch to all these pleasures is that you'll need to book a place for them. And It would be a good idea to do so now, because last year saw some of the sessions booked out. Sure, you might be lucky and nip into a session if it is not packed, but you'll pay more on the day than with a pre-booking.

So go over to the Photo Live Expo website and start clicking. It'll be the most fun on a Sunday that you can have in town.


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