One Lens Per Year - Part Two

on December 18, 2017

" Oh My Goodness!

But, but, but...I cannot possibly take ALL my pictures with just one lens and one camera for a year! I am an artist! I am a professional! I am a journalist/mentor/iconic superstar game changer! I have money! I drive a big SUV! I take holidays and call them Photo-Safaris! Who ever heard of a successful photographer taking all their pictures with such a small outfit?

Eh bien? What? Who was that little bald Frenchman with the old Leica who was just here? Did you see him? He was just here for a moment...but he seemed rather decisive...

Okay. Okay, I can do this. I must consider the options. I have a fine new camera with many megapixels. The computer can read the raw files. I own a fast card. And a good camera bag. All I need is one lens.

If I choose a fast lens - f:2 to f 1.2 - I can get by without a flash. But if I want a long focal length the lens will be large and expensive. If I choose a super-open lens like an f:0.95 it will be even more so.

If I choose a slower lens like an f:2.8 it will be smaller and I can take it more places. But I might need a flash. Or a tripod. Or both.

If I choose a zoom it will probably have a slower aperture, but I will be able to get more focal lengths on the one lens. But it will be bigger. And the reviews that I read every day on the net all say that there will be more distortion and aberrations than with a prime. But I never see those things anyway. Should I be looking for them harder?

If I choose a wide-angle I can get more view in for my landscapes and if I choose a long lens I can see more details of distant objects...but what if I have a wide scene with details? Or a closeup subject that is long and wide and fast and dim and Oh My Goodness the world is swimming..."

At this point the best thing to do is either faint or go out for a drink - because you need to stop over thinking the whole affair. If you are going to beat yourself over the head, use a hammer - it's more efficient than a camera lens. And you need not worry about which hammer to use - they all work.

It's not rocket science. You can indeed do the entire year on one lens. And it need not weigh 4 Kg and cost $ 8000 either - the year can be easer than that. Tomorrow...


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