Olympus - Travel Kit

on December 12, 2011
Go away. But before you do, come here.

Buy one of these. It is an Olympus E-PL2 kit. Contains a micro 4/3 mirrorless camera body, 14-150mm lens, battery, charger, strap, software, salami sandwich, and a Mills and Boone novel. The perfect summer travel pack.

What? You doubt me? Look here - the camera produces superb files on a 12 Mp sensor – it is image stabilized, shoots up to 6400 ISO, does video, art filters, auto tracking, and even recognizes faces. Of course sometimes it then cuts them dead in the street, but if you turn away it looks better.

The basic lens in anything but basic – that’s the equivalent of 28mm to 300mm in the old 35mm thought, and if you can’t capture your holidays in that focal length range stay home and drink. You also get the opportunity in the future to attach various adapters and use up all the old SLR and rangefinder lenses in your secret lens stash.

This thing is light – well built – convenient and stylish. You can beat the sunlight by adding an electronic viewfinder to the top of the camera and you can beat the darkness by attaching an Olympus flash. Of course there is a small flash built in but real travel photographers want to light up the inside of Carlsbad Cavern....

Best of all is Camera Electronic has a swag of ‘em and a special deal for the holidays - $ 799 grab it and go.

Final note: Sorry to have to tell you this - Emily collects Mills and Boone and Howard and Saul saw the sandwiches....so you’ll just have to be content with the camera and lens kit. Nevertheless there’ll be a free gift for every kit buyer until Christmas.

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