Now's the Time - Canon Powershot G12

on December 18, 2011

Now Maitland. Now’s your time.

Go to the sugar bowl, ATM, or your spouse’s purse and get out $ 499. Leap into the car and come down to 230 Stirling Street. Throw the money at the nearest member of the sales staff and yell “ Give me my Canon G12!”.

Oh, wait. Forgot one part of the instructions. Put your pants on first.

We’ve just repriced the G12 very aggressively – so you get the benefit for Christmas. This is one of the best all-rounder small digital cameras there is – it is the instrument of choice when we need fast web pictures here in the shop.

Summer is here – Christmas is heaving itself up over the horizon – you need a great present and a great image-maker for the holidays. This is the best Canon deal that you can get right now.

If you want to throw a little bit more money at the staff, you can also get a genuine Canon fitted leather case for the G12.


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