Now Is The Time To Join!

on May 22, 2012
If you were ever wondering when would be a good time to join a camera club, well now is the time. Saul has just reminded me that the WAPF is preparing one of the most spectacular and rewarding digital exhibition competitions for a long time - and you need to be a photographic club member to enter.

This will be a competiton exhibited at La Premiere cinema in Hoyts Carousel, at Central Park CBD, and judged by a number of Australia's most successful judges. Eastway. Hewitt. James. And 40 VIP guests. Peter Holland will host the big-screen presentation.

What to do! What to do! First, if you are not a member of your local WAPF camera cub, go along and join. Look at the things that they take pictures of. See how they manage files. Share in the knowledge and fellowship that they offer. Show your stuff and brag.

Then go out and look at the West Australian landscape - or try your hand with a portrait - or pursue the art of monochrome photography of architecture - or even look deep into the world of macro photography. Make up a good portfolio of your work and enter it. Being digital, the entry is easy. But the rewards are big.

Okay, you get the award of recognition and pride when your images are seen by top-flight photographers...but there is more. Camera Electronic, Fitzgerald Photo Imaging, C.R. Kennedy, Nik Software, PPIB Insurance, Epson, and Better Photography Magazine are all contributing to the prize pool. And Canon Australia and North Star Cruises have both pledged prizes that are worth over $ 4000 each. Wow!

It's a prize pool of over $16,000. Wow x 16,000 !

The competiton is called Click West and it will be shown on June 27th 2012. Get your skates on right now and talk to a WAPF club about joining in the fun.


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