We've just had the most amazing demonstration from the manufacturer's representative of the little SD memory cards that give you wireless connection from your camera to computer. I say amazing because the chap was able to make it work from the initial insertion through to all the permutation of control, and send the images he took right then to, well, everywhere.
I mean the things shot off to his laptop there on the counter, then to his iPad, then to his mobile phone. Apparently they are now stored on a virtual cloud for a week so he can look at them from any place on the planet, and if he elects to pay someone something they can be stored there forever.
It is dizzying. He could have asked the little card to send the pictures to Facebook, Flicker, Twitter, You Tube, or any number of other wireless networks.
Had he used the pro version of the card it would also have been capable of firing off RAW files and geotagging the image. If he had been nowhere near a Wifi hotspot but wanted to send the images off when he did approach one, it would have remembered to do this.
Sound like it would be good for you? Want to preserve your images quickly while you are shooting them? Like to shoot your images off to other people really easily? These cards will be of interest. Just be careful how you configure your orders to the card so that the images go where you want them to and do not become a general broadcast.
In store right now at prices ranging from $ 69 to $ 120.