Nikon In Fashion

on April 23, 2012
Fashion....wonderful word and wonderful images. And if you have ever wondered how they do it - with the Nikon system - here is your opportunity to find out.

Christian Blanchard is one of Australia's leading fashion photographers. Nikon Australia realized this and asked him to be their ambassador and teacher at this year's Camera Electronic Nikon Workshop Day.

It is to be held at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle on Sunday, the 6th of May from 10:00 to 5:00. Nikon Australia will be bring along a great deal of their top-flight gear including some of the latest releases and participants will get an opportunity to try it with their own equipment.

Christian will be revealing some...but perhaps not all...of his secrets for getting the best from his fashion models and integrating the Nikon equipment into his business. There will be a very good professional model in attendance to help demonstrate the fashion and portrait lighting, both with studio flash and the Nikon portable speed lights. This is right there in front of you, and close up - not a dry textbook or video on a computer screen. You've got questions? Ask.

You'll get fed, and well - this is the Esplanade, remember - and there will be ample time in the afternoon for group and individual photography with the model and some of Fremantle's attractions. If you have hankered to try a special lens, or body, or combination of the two, all you need to bring is a memory card or two and you can experience the magic.

To sweeten the deal, Camera Electronic has decided to offer a Camera Electronic Sensor Clean Voucher or a Shoot Workshops Voucher to the value of $ 50 for every participant.

Book on line at or ring us up here at the shop on 93284405. The basic cost is $ 199 ( but remember that free voucher) and you would be wise to book now as there may be quite a rush when the photography students see this offer. See you there.


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